3 résultats

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L'avocat Casablanca-Settat (P44AI72)


 à partir €**3,50/Tonne

Avocado , Moroccan, Tanzania, or Uganda, packed as per our client standards 4kg, 5kg

Pomme GALA

Apple |  à partir €**0,00/Tonne

Pomme GALA


 à partir €**0,00/Tonne

GALA apple with good quality, certified products

Apricot |  à partir €**/Tonne


 à partir €**/Tonne

This yellowish-orange fleshy fruit is thought to have been originally cultivated in Morocco. Apricot tastes both sweet and tart, and just 100 grams of the fruit give you 12% of vitamins A and C and 6% of potassium that you need daily.